View Relayers

View Relayers

This interface lists users who have relayed mail. Relayed email is email that a user on your server forwards to a remote account.

Search for relayers

To search for a user who has relayed mail, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter a range of dates in Month/Date/Year format in the Start Date and End Date text boxes.


    Larger date ranges require more time to run.
  2. Specify the time range in which you wish to search.

  3. Click Run Report.

The results table

The interface sorts your query's results into the following four columns:

User The cPanel username of the account that relayed the message.
Domain The user's domain.
Successful Whether delivery was successful. A value of 1 represents successful delivery.
Data Sent The total amount of relayed data that the user sent.

Mail Delivery Reports

If you wish to view a detailed list of messages that a specific user sent, click that user's row. The Mail Delivery Reports interface (Home >> Email >> Mail Delivery Reports) interface will appear with the detailed list.

For more information about how to filter and customize the detailed list, read our Mail Delivery Reports documentation.

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