Raw Access
- Select the Remove the previous month's archived logs from your home directory at the end of each month box to remove the previous month's logs at the end of each month.
- Click Save to store your changes.
Download and View Your Raw Access Logs
This section lists the domains on your account, as well as the log information.
- Domain — A list of the domains on your account. To access a domain's raw access log, perform the following steps:
1. Click the desired link to download that domain's raw access log.
2. The log file will automatically download to your computer.
3. Unzip the file to view it
. - Last Update — The date of the most recent update to the log file.
- Disk Usage — The amount of disk space that the log files uses.
- Linked Domains — A list of the domains that are parked on top of the domain.
Archived Raw Logs
This section lists the archived logs that are contained in your /home
- Click the filename to download an archived log.
You can also view the log file through the command line in your
directory. Use your preferred text editor to open theaccess-logs
If you do not have any archived log files, the directory will be empty.