Granting Auxiliary Users Access to Apps
By default, after you install an app, only users with the Owner role can access it. To allow other subscription users to access the app:
- Grant permission to access the app to a certain user group in Users > User Roles.
- Be sure to add users of your choice to the group.
Once you allow users to access the app, a link to the app appears on their Websites & Domains page under the name of the corresponding website. Note that you can control app access only for user groups, so you should either modify the permissions of an existing group or create a new one, and then assign users to it.
By default, the app administrator is a subscription user with the Owner role. As well as accessing the apps from the Websites & Domains page, this user can also install and manage apps within a subscription. For these purposes, their interface has the additional Applications page. You can provide the same administrative privileges to other subscription users by granting theInstall and manage applications permission to their role in Users > User Roles. This gives users full administrative access to allapps within a subscription. As well as the administrator, the users with this permission can install, configure, update, and remove apps through the Applications section in their Customer Panel.