


The PHP feature allows you to view specific information about your server's PHP configuration.

PHP PEAR Packages

PHP PEAR Packages are collections of functions that allow you to perform tasks in PHP. You will need to install a PEAR package before you can use it in a PHP program.

Perl Modules

Perl Modules are collections of functions that allow you to perform tasks in Perl. You will need to install a Perl module before you can use it in a Perl program.


RubyGems are collections of functions that allow you to perform tasks in Ruby. You will need to install a Gem before you can use it inside a Ruby program. 

Ruby on Rails

Use this feature to create and deploy a Ruby on Rails application from your cPanel account.

Site Software

The Site Software feature allows you to add useful software to your website. The software that is available to you depends on which software your hosting provider grants to you.

Optimize Website

Tweak the way Apache serves responses and enhance the performance of your website with theOptimize Website feature.

MultiPHP Manager

Only available on systems that run EasyApache 4

The MultiPHP Manager interface allows you to easily manage the PHP configuration of your accounts.

MultiPHP INI Editor

Only available on systems that run EasyApache 4

The MultiPHP INI Editor interface allows you to configure your PHP settings.

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